
Atelier général du Programme National de Physique Stellaire (PNPS)


Contact : Kévin Belkacem

L’atelier s’articulera autour des 4 thèmes prioritaires du PNPS :

– Origines : formation stellaire et disques proto-planétaires ;

– Champ magnétique et activité stellaire : origine, nature et effet dans tout le diagramme HR ; importance pour la recherche et la caractérisation des exoplanètes ;

– Evolution/Intérieurs/Atmosphères : transport, oscillations, paramètres fondamentaux, perte de masse, multiplicité

– Interaction : étoile-planète ; étoile-disque ; étoile-étoile.s ; étoile-environnement (galactique) ;
et des thèmes transverses :

– Astrophysique de laboratoire : expérience de laboratoire/ simulations numériques / big data ;

– Synergies de méthodes : focus sur objets prototypiques, benchmarks.

Les présentations seront de 15 minutes (+ 5 mintutes de questions) et se feront préférentiellement en français (les diaporamas seront eux écrits en anglais).
Comité d’organisation : Kevin Belkacem, Nadège Meunier, Orlagh Creevey, Joao Marques, Anaelle Maury


14h00-14h20The GRAVITY view of the innermost regions of protoplanetary disksK. Perraut
14h20-14h40A landscape of main sequence star activityL. Degott
14h40-15h00How do (massive) binary stars form?R. Mignon-Risse
15h00-15h20The scientific projects of the Interferometric Survey for Stellar Parameters with SPICA/CHARAR. Ligi
15h20-15h40Nebular spectra from Type Ia supernova explosion models compared to JWST observations of SN 2021aefxS. Blondin
15h40-16h00Vents magnétiques dans les disques de transitionE. Martel
16h00-16h20Secular stability of dipolar magnetic binariesC. Aykroyd
16h40-17h00HAYDN: High-precision AsteroseismologY of DeNse stellar fieldsB. Mosser
17h00-17h20mm/submm Dust Polarization as a Tracer of the Magnetic Field in Protostellar EnvelopesV. Valdivia
17h20-17h40Retrieving stellar parameters and dynamics of AGB stars with Gaia parallax measurements and radiative hydrodynamics simulationsE. Béguin
17h40-18h00A magnetic field study in the envelope of cool evolved starsL. Marinho
18h00-18h20A new 12C+12C reaction rate from the STELLA collaboration: how to determine astrophysical parameters with nuclear experiments?E. Monpribat
18h20-18h40Convection, overshooting et ondes internes dans les étoiles: simulations numériques multi-dimensionnelles.I. Baraffe


Authors Title Type File
Béguin Elysabeth, Laboratoire Lagrange, Observatoire de Côte d\'Azur, Nice (PhD student et présentatrice) Chiavassa Andrea, Laboratoire Lagrange, Observatoire de Côte d\'Azur, Nice Ahmad Arief, Département de Physique et d\'Astronomie, Université d\'Uppsala, Suède (PhD student) Freytag Bernd, Département de Physique et d\'Astronomie, Université d\'Uppsala, Suède Uttenthaler Stefan, Observatoire Kuffner, Vienne, Autriche Retrieving stellar parameters and dynamics of AGB stars with Gaia parallax measurements and radiative hydrodynamics simulations orale Abstract_Beguin_SF2A_PNPS_2023.pdf
Jonah Mauxion Étudier l\\\\\\\'évolution séculaire des disques protoplanétaires enfouis poster abstract.pdf
Valeska Valdivia, Anaëlle Maury & Patrick Hennebelle mm/submm Dust Polarization as a Tracer of the Magnetic Field in Protostellar Envelopes orale SF2A_Valdivia_V_abstract_oral.pdf
K. Perraut and GRAVITY Collaboration The GRAVITY view of the innermost regions of protoplanetary disks orale Abstract-SF2A.pdf
Anthony Soulain, Karine Perraut, Jérôme Bouvier, Benjamin Tessore, ERC-SPIDI-team Probing the inner disk and magnetospheric accretion region of CI Tau with VLTI/GRAVITY poster abstract_citau_2023.pdf
Anthony Soulain Interferometry with the JWST (AMI): first results and exoplanets potential poster abstract_JWST_short.pdf
T. Dumont, E. Monpribat, M. Heine, A. Bonhomme, J. Nippert, S. Courtin Improving stellar modeling with new precise nuclear reaction rates determined from nuclear experiment poster Abstract_Dumont_Nuclear.pdf
T. Dumont Exploring surface abundance of lithium from Main-Sequence to Red giant phase with the constraint of angular momentum transport poster Abstract_Dumont_Lithium.pdf
Véronique Bommier Échappement thermique des électrons à l\'intérieur du Soleil et des Étoiles (Electron thermal escape inside Sun and Stars) poster abstract-VB.pdf
Louise Marinho, Fabrice Herpin, Helmut Wiesemeyer, Arturo Lopèz-Ariste, Alain Baudry, Andrés Asensio Ramos and the PEPPER team A magnetic field study in the envelope of cool evolved stars orale abstract_sf2a_marinho_1.pdf
Sylvain N. Breton Antonino F. Lanza Sergio Messina Rotation of solar-type stars in the PLATO era: combining asteroseismology and active-region diagnostics poster Abstract SF2A_1.pdf
Leïla Bessila, Stéphane Mathis The influence of magnetism on the stochastic excitation of acoustic modes in solar-type stars poster Leïla Bessila - The influence of magnetism on the stochastic excitation of acoustic modes in solar-type stars.pdf
Marc-Antoine Martinod (KU Leuven) Denis Defrère (KU Leuven) Michael Ireland (ANU) Frantz Martinache (OCA) Stefan Kraus (UofEx) Asgard Consortium High-angular and high-contrast VLTI observations from Y to L band with the Asgard instrumental suite poster Abstract_SF2A_2023_S17_martinod.pdf
Marc-Antoine Martinod (KU Leuven) Denis Defrère (KU Leuven) Michael Ireland (ANU) Frantz Martinache (OCA) Stefan Kraus (UofEx) Asgard Consortium High-angular and high-contrast VLTI observations from Y to L band with the Asgard instrumental suite poster Abstract_SF2A_2023_S17_martinod_1.pdf
Louis Amard, Stéphane Mathis Gravity waves in the magnetised radiative core of low-mass stars : consequences for asteroseismology and transport of angular momentum poster Abstract_SF2A2023.pdf
Halbwachs J.-L., Kiefer F., Lebreton Y., Arenou F., Famaey B., Guillout P., Mazeh T., Pourbaix D., Salomon J.-B. Masses et luminosités de composantes de SB2 déduites d\\\\\\\'observations à l\\\\\\\'OHP et des orbites astrométriques de la Gaia-DR3 poster S17-Halbwachs.pdf
I. Baraffe Convection, overshooting et ondes internes dans les étoiles: simulations numériques multi-dimensionnelles. orale Titre_presentation.pdf
Raphaël Mignon-Risse (CNES/APC), Matthias González (U. Paris Cité/AIM), Benoît Commerçon (CRAL) How do (massive) binary stars form? orale abstract_S17_1.pdf
Alexis Lavail CRIRES+, a high-resolution near-infrared spectro(polari)meter at the 8m Very Large Telescope poster alexislavail-abstract-pnps-crires.pdf
Étienne Martel, Geoffroy Lesur Vents magnétiques dans les disques de transition poster abstract_SF2A_2023_1.pdf
Lisa Bugnet Probing magnetic fields inside the core of red giants from mixed-mode period spacings poster Abstract_SF2A_2023_1.pdf
Antoine Alaguero, Cuello Nicolás, Simone Ceppi Planet formation in triple systems : the case of V892 Tau poster V892Tau _SF2A2023.pdf
Stéphane Blondin Nebular spectra from Type Ia supernova explosion models compared to JWST observations of SN 2021aefx orale abstract_sblondin.pdf
Soubiran, C. et al. The Gaia FGK Benchmark Stars: fundamental (Teff, logg) of the extended sample poster abstract_SF2A.pdf
Gonzague Radureau, Claire Michaut, Andrew I. Comport, Romain Drouilly Utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle pour améliorer les performances de simulations d\'hydrodynamique radiative poster abstract_SF2A_Gonzague_Radureau_1.pdf
Benoit Mosser, HAYDN consortium HAYDN: High-precision AsteroseismologY of DeNse stellar fields orale haydn_sf2a.pdf
Baptiste Klein Comprendre et modéliser les déformations induites par l\\\'activité magnétique dans les raies d\\\'absorption du Soleil poster BKlein_SF2A_2023.pdf
Christopher Aykroyd, Adrien Bourgoin, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Stéphane Mathis, Marie-Christine Angonin Secular stability of dipolar magnetic binaries orale Aykroyd_SF2A.pdf
Paul Cristofari, J.-F. Donati, C. P. Folsom et al. Modeling SPIRou spectra with ZeeTurbo: an application to 6 magnetic M dwarfs. poster abstract_6.pdf
Ezequiel González, Bertrand Goldman, María Rosa Zapatero Osorio, Víctor Javier Sánchez Bejar, Thomas Henning, Jan Pitann Studying brown dwarf dust cloud distribution through polarisation poster Gonzalez E - SF2A 23 - Abstract.pdf
M. Faurobert, T. Corbard, B. Gelly, R. Douet, D. Laforgue Mise en évidence d\\\'un fort gradient radial de rotation dans la photosphère solaire poster resumeSF2A.pdf
Arthur Le Saux Exploring waves properties with multi-dimensional fully compressible hydrodynamical simulations: from solar type stars to intermediate-mass stars poster abstract_SF2A_4.pdf
Maxime Roumesy Ryo Tazaki François Ménard Les mystères de la poussière dans les disques protoplanétaires poster Abstract_Maxime_ROUMESY.pdf
Lucie Degott Frédéric Baudin Réza Samadi Cilia Damiani Barbara Perri A landscape of main sequence star activity orale talk_2023.pdf
Sun-like stars are thought to accrete most of their final mass during the protostellar phase, where the protostellar embryo is surrounded by an infalling dense envelope. The so-called Class 0 phase designates the youngest protostellar stage, where the accretion is the most vigorous. Because these objects are highly embedded, it is difficult to retrieve direct diagnostics from the accretion, whose observational imprint lie at small wavelengths, in the near-infrared and below. Therefore, little is known about the accretion mechanisms occurring in the Class 0 phase because of high extinction. However, in rare cases the blueshifted cavity created by the outflow is sufficiently close to pole-on to liberate enough near-infrared scattered light for us to probe the immediate surroundings of the central object. We present a new set of K-band spectra of 18 Class 0 protostars recently observed with Keck MOSFIRE. Br$_\\\\gamma$, several H$_2$ and $\\\\Delta\\\\,\\\\nu\\\\;=\\\\;2$ CO lines are detected and analyzed. We detect Br$_\\\\gamma$ in 9 sources, which suggests a good fraction but not all of Class 0s accrete via magnetospheric accretion. The H$_2$ lines are consistent with shock excitation indicating jets/outflows. Stella CO lines are seen in absorption in 2 sources suggesting recent vigorous accretion episodes. CO is seen in emission in 10 sources, tracing the heated inner accretion disk. We find that a significant higher fraction of Class 0 objects tend to exhibit CO in emission than in archival K-band spectra of later-evolved, Class I protostars. We also perform and discuss statistical tests comparing the near-IR line parameters of Class 0 and I objects. Our results suggest that the near-IR accretion properties of Class 0s tend to be different that of Class I objects. Studying the infalling structures of the Class 0 sub-millimeter envelopes alongside their near-IR Spectra, we find that one source presenting a large accretion streamer and disorganized density structures could have recently undergone an accretion burst. Upcoming JWST observations shall constrain further the accretion mechanisms of Class 0 protostars. Accretion properties of Class 0 protostars studied with near-infrared spectroscopy poster Abstract_VLG.pdf
T. Ravinet, C. Reylé, A. Burgasser, R. L. Smart, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, and W. H. Moya Near-infrared spectroscopic follow-up of Gaia ultra-cool dwarfs candidates poster TRavinet_SF2A_abstract.pdf
C. Pinçon & M. Takata A star seen as a multi-cavity acoustic interferometer: a novel approach to develop seismic diagnostic poster mulit.pdf
C. Pinçon & L. Petitdemange Wave-rotation interaction close to the radiative-convective boundaries in stars : revisiting a model of the Quasi-Biennal Oscillation in the Earth stratosphere. poster SLO.pdf
Aurélie Astoul, Adrian Barker Do non-linear effects disrupt tidal dissipation estimates in convective envelopes? poster abstract_sf2a_2023_2.pdf
Emma Monpribat A new 12C+12C reaction rate from the STELLA collaboration: how to determine astrophysical parameters with nuclear experiments? orale abstract_monpribat.pdf
R. Ligi, D. Mourard (PI), and all the ISSP team. The scientific projects of the Interferometric Survey for Stellar Parameters with SPICA/CHARA orale abstract_sf2a_1.pdf
Romain Lenoble, Joakim Rosdahl, Benoit Commercon Formation of the first stars: collapse and fragmentation of primordial gas clouds. poster abstract_10.pdf
Armand Leclerc, Guillaume Laibe, Nicolas Perez, Antoine Venaille, Pierre Delplace Topological modes in stellar oscillations poster Poster_asterosismotopo.pdf
Benjamin Thomasson, Isabelle Joncour, Estelle Moraux The origin of the IMF and multiplicity in small stellar groups poster abstract_thomasson_pnps.pdf
Laurine Martinien, François Ménard, Ryo Tazaki PDS 453 : un disque edge-on intéressant poster MARTINIEN_S17.pdf