
Latest insights on dust evolution


Contact : Ugo Lebreuilly et Valentin Le Gouellec

General description of the workshop :

Dust grains are essential components of the interstellar medium (ISM), as they play a central role in a myriad of astrophysical and astrochemical processes. Because dust grains re-irradiate in the infra-red a significant part of the energy emitted as starlight, they control cooling and heating rates of star forming regions (Weingartner & Draine 2001, Draine 2004). This makes them crucial actors in the regulation of star formation, which is one of the main agents governing the evolution of galaxies. Dust grains are also central for the molecular chemistry of the ISM, with the formation of H2 happening on their surface (e.g. Le Bourlot et al. 2012) and the formation of complex organic molecules happening within ices surrounding their cores (Jorgensen 2020). The assembly of dust in favorable environments, such as protoplanetary disks, leads to the formation of pebbles and planetesimals, which are the precursors of planets (Testi 2014). Finally, the dynamical role of magnetic fields in dense star forming environments is strongly dependent on the size distribution of dust grains (Zhao et al., 2016). This, in turn, can control the outcome of the formation of stars, disks and planets.


Several mechanisms control the evolution of the dust properties (size distribution, shape, chemical composition, structure, and porosity) in the ISM. To this day, their theoretical understanding and experimental/observational probes are still incomplete. Various effects (coagulation, grain sputtering, shattering, vaporization, rotational disruption, photo-fragmentation) can regulate the dust grains size distribution (Guillet et al. 2007, Hoang et al. 2019, Schirmer et al. 2022, Lebreuilly et al. 2023).  The formation of PAHs from very small carbonaceous grains can occur in various environments (Nozawa et al 2003, Berné et al. 2007, Schneider et al. 2014). Under the right circumstances, grains can also decouple dynamically from the gas leading to dust-to-gas ratio variations (e.g. Lebreuilly et al. 2020). Finally, different grain processing mechanisms affect their crystallinity and chemical composition (e.g., photolysis, nucleation, aromatisation, dehydrogenation).


Improving our knowledge related to dust properties in the different environments of the ISM, in order to better understand the physical and chemical mechanisms associated, is a challenge of great importance. To this end, significant developments have been operated recently in the community, offering new observing and modeling tools, as well as new laboratory results. The aim of this workshop is to bring together the French community around these questions and address the relevant problems gathering different disciplines: dust observations (extinction, emission, scattering, absorption), the laboratory experiments (spectral signatures, optical properties, outcome of collisions) and dust evolution modelisation (growth, dynamics, feedback processes) in simulations of different environments. Building bridges between these disciplines and the teams’ expertise is key to enable large progress in this domain.

Invited speakers :  Olivier Berné, Guillaume Laibe & François Ménard (MENARD_S10).








Program :

Theory and numerical experiments
14hReview : G. Laibe (30'+5')
14h35S. Michoulier (10'+5')
14h50P. Segretain (10'+5')
15h05Y. Dubois (10'+5')
15h10Flash presentation : C. Bergez-Casalou (5'+5')
Observations and laboratory experiments
15h20Review : O. Berné (20'+5')
15h35M. Elyajouri (10'+5')
15h50Cofee break
16h30Review : F. Ménard (20'+5')
16h55J. Milli (10'+5')
17h10R. Tazaki (10'+5')
17h25C. Desgrange (10'+5')
17h40C. Bot (10'+5')
17h55L. Correia (10'+5')
18h10J. Chastenet (10'+5')
18h25End of the workshop


Authors Title Type File
SEGRETAIN Paul, MÉHEUT Héloïse, MOREIRA Manuel Étude dynamique de l\\\\\\\'effondrement d\\\\\\\'un nuage de gaz et de poussière : contraintes sur les planétésimaux formés orale Abstract français.pdf
Camille Bergez-Casalou, Bertram Bitsch, Nicolas Kurtovic, Paola Pinilla Constraining giant planet formation with synthetic ALMA images of the Solar System\'s natal protoplanetary disk poster bergez_poster.pdf
Stéphane Michoulier Jean-François Gonzalez Growth of porous grains in PPDs using an implicit scheme with SPH simulations. orale SF2A_Abstract_2023-1.pdf
Jérémy Chastenet, Ilse De Looze, Brandon Hensley, Bert Vandenbroucke, Mike Barlow, Jeonghee Rho, Aravind Ravi, Haley L. Gomez, Florian Kirchschlager, Juan Macías-Pérez, Mikako Matsuura, Kate Pattle, Nicolas Ponthieu, Felix D. Priestley, Monica Relaño, Alessia Ritacco, Roger Wesson SOFIA/HAWC+ observations of the Crab Nebula: dust properties from polarized emission orale SF2A2023_S10_Chastenet.pdf
Ryo Tazaki, Christian Ginski, Carsten Dominik Fractal aggregates of sub-micron-sized grains in the young planet-forming disk around IM Lup orale sf2a_rtazaki.pdf
Caroline Bot (Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg), Christopher Clark (Space Telescope Science Institute) Christopher Clark (STScI) Including the diffuse dust in nearby galaxies orale abstract_sf2a_2023.pdf
Lucie Correia, Caroline Bot, Jérémy Chastenet, Axel Rymar, Roberta Paladini Dust properties in the millimeter to centimeter wavelength range: analysis of a sample of nearby galaxies orale Abstract_Lucie_Correia_1.pdf
Julien Milli, Olivier Poch, Jean-Charles Augereau, Clément Baruteau, Pierre Beck , Elodie Choquet, Jean-Michel Geffrin, Edith Hadamcik, Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, Jérémie Lasue, Francois Ménard, Arthur Peronne, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Vanesa Tobon-Valencia Insight from laboratory measurements on dust in debris discs orale abstract_4.pdf
M. Elyajouri, N. Ysard, A. Abergel, E. Habart, A. Jones, L. Verstraete, M. Juvela, T. Schirmer and PDRs4all team Dust Evolution in the Orion Bar: New insights from the JWST orale abstract_sf2a_strasbourg.pdf
Audrey Coutens, Sahar Ben Hmida & Jean-Michel Glorian ATOMIS, an ALMA Archive Tool for Molecular Investigations in Space poster abstractDust_SF2A.pdf
Olivier Berné Latest insights on gas heating in galaxies by the photoelectric effect on dust grains and PAHs. invite Abstract_1.pdf
Francois MENARD Dust in Protoplanetary and Debris disks. invite Abstract-Menard-S10.pdf
Desgrange Célia, Milli Julien, Bonnefoy Mickaël, Chauvin Gaël, Henning Thomas, Olofsson Johan The intriguing double-belt architecture in the system HD120326 orale Debris_Disk_HD_120326_aka_HIP_67497_v2023-02-23 (2).pdf