Date and place

Getting to the campus and maps

The Journées de la SF2A will be held in Strasbourg from June 20th to June 23rd in the building Le Patio on the campus Esplanade of the University of Strasbourg. The main entrance is located at rue René Descartes, number 22.

The campus is accessed with the tram network of the CTS. Three lines arrive at the campus, lines C and E with the stops Université and Observatoire and the line F with an additional stop named Esplanade.

The conference will take place in the building 2 and 3 of le Patio. A map of the buildings can be found below.

Plenary session as well as parallel session on social problems will  be held in the Cavailles amphitheatre in building 2 (upstairs from the entrance).

Scientific sessions in the afternoon will  be held in amphitheatres 3 and 4 in building 3, in front of amphitheatre Cavailles, as well as in rooms 3R-01, 02 and 03. These rooms can be found in building 3, on the ground floor (follow the marks).

Access for disabled persons to amphitheatres Cavailles, 3 and 4 is possible (a lift can be found in the building 4). For the 3R rooms, access is at the ground floor.



Plugging your computers

The canailles amphitheatre is equipped with electrical plugs below the desks.

You will find plugs in the rooms 3R-01, 3R-02 and 3R-03 on the walls on the corridor side.

There is no electrical plug available in amphitheatre 3 and 4. Please, do think about charging your laptops during the morning sessions.

Information for presenters

The conference is using an hybrid mode and for this mode to work properly, we must use the computers handling the sound and video. To guaranty that the tools provided will work properly during the meetings, the format of the files for presentation is limited to the PDF format.

A website to deposit your pdf presentations is available for each session. Please deposit your pdf files on the appropriate server, using the naming convention Name_SXX.pdf, no later than 24h prior to the session to allow for the transfer of your file on the computer of the session.

Session Title Upload site Room
All sessions Posters Access
S00 Plénières Access Cavailles
S01 Amas et groupes de galaxies dans l’ère des grands relevés Access 3R-02
S02 Archéologie Galactique avec Gaia DR3: un an après Access 3R-01
S03 Atelier de l’AS SKA-LOFAR Access Amphi 3
S04 ASOV : Open Science in Astronomy Access 3R-03
S05 Bien-être en astrophysique Access Cavailles
S06 Atelier Pro-Am Access Observatoire
S07 Cosmic Rays and Cosmology Access 3R-02
S08 Demain l’ELT! Access Amphi 3
S09 L’égalité des genres en A&A Access Amphi 4
S10 Latest insights on dust evolution Access 3R-01
S11 Magnétosphères (exo-)planétaires comparées Access 3R-03
S12 Origine de l’eau sur les planètes (atelier commun) Access Amphi 4
S13 Atelier général du PCMI Access Amphi 4
S14 Atelier général du PNCG Access 3R-01
S15 PNGRAM Géodésie Spatiale Access 3R-01
S16 Atelier général du PNP Access Cavailles
S17 Atelier général du PNPS Access Amphi 3
S18 Prédiction et suivi des signaux multi-messagers Access 3R-02
S19 Sixième réunion des utilisateurs des télescopes français Access 3R-02
S20 The future of micro- and nanosatellites for astronomy Access 3R-03
S21 Transition environnementale Access Cavailles
S22 WEAVE 2023: un spectrographe multi-objet et ses grands relevés Access 3R-03



Accès à Strasbourg

Coming to Strasbourg:


The Strasbourg-Entzheim airport is located south of the city. It is reachable by train to/from the main station in 8mn with up to 5 trains per hour.

For more information:

Informations train to airport

Strasbourg airport


You can reach Strasbourg center with either the French SNCF or the German DB.

Using the SNCF network, Strasbourg’s main station is both a regular station and the TGV station. Using a TGV , you will arrive directly in the city center. You can reach the campus Esplanade from the main station, where the conference is held,  using the tram line C (exit at Université or Observatoire).

Using the BD network via Germany, international ICEs passing through Strasbourg usually stop in Strasbourg. For regional trains, the Kehl station at the border is linked to the Strasbourg public transportation. Tram line D of the CTS has a stop at the Kehl train station.


Strasbourg is served by the Flixbus and Blablacar bus companies. The arrival of the intercity buses is located place de l’étoile. Lines A and D of the tram can be found on the north-east corner of this place (stop name Etoile-Bourse).

By car:

Strasbourg and its surroundings are a low emission zone (ZFE). Motor vehicles with Crit’Air 5 stamp or without Crit’Air stamp are banned.

To apply for a Crit’Air stamp (for cars registered in France):

Parking is not free. There is a charge for public parking from 9AM to 7PM everyday but Sundays and public holidays. There are no more parking tickets in Strasbourg, instead you must enter your registration plate in the parking terminals. The length and the price of the parking ticket depend on your location. For more information visit getting around Strasbourg

A low cost solution are the parkings Park and ride (P+R). Prices are 4,20€ or 4,70€ for the first day then 10€ per additional day.  A return tram ticket is included for each person in the car. More informations Parkings P+R.

Getting around in/out of Strasbourg

Strasbourg’s urban network, managed by the CTS, consists of a network of tramways and bus lines that allow people to travel around the city and access the cities of the Strasbourg urban community.

For more information:

CTS Tarifs



For bus journeys outside the Strasbourg Eurometropole and in the Bas-Rhin department, the Fluo 67 network covers a large part of the department at a single fare of €2.5 per journey.

For more information:

Tarifs réseau Fluo 67



The registration fee includes access to the different events, but registration is necessary for logistical reasons.

Gala cocktail on Tuesday evening:

Registration required

The newly inaugurated Strasbourg Planetarium (see map) will be the location of the welcome cocktail of these days. The cocktail will take place in the reception hall. In parallel, two planetarium sessions will be offered during the evening (free of charge upon registration). The entrance to the planetarium is on Boulevard de la Victoire (tram stop Université, lines C E and F)

Wednesday evening garden party: (weather permitting)

Registration required

On the evening of the fête de la musique, we will organise a reception in the gardens of the observatory. In addition to various activities (astronomical observations, live music,…), tartes flambées and local drinks will be offered. Access to the observatory is at 11 rue de l’université, tram stops Université or Observatoire (please note that there is no open access to the observatory via rue de l’observatoire).

Public conference on Thursday 8PM:

For the general public conference, we are pleased to welcome Roland Lehoucq in the new planetarium located on boulevard de la victoire who will talk about Parlons de sciences grâce à la fiction. Access by tram C, E and F, University stop.

Informal scientific mediation workshop on Monday evening: (6.30-8pm)

Registration and confirmation (see Email) required: minimum number of participants: 20

Location: Please note! Change of venue. Observatory amphitheater in the Grande Coupole building. Entrance via 11 rue de l’Université (rue de l’observatoire access will be closed).

Title: Avoiding black holes in the face of a constellation of varied audiences.

Summary: Popularising is good, adapting to different types of audience is better. As a scientist, what are the tools and methods to better communicate scientific knowledge that is often very specific? Together, we will discuss good practices from the world of mediation or the world of research, in a friendly and participative way.



Hotel suggestions:

Most of the major hotel chains have several establishments in Strasbourg. The hotel offer is varied. We recommend that you choose your hotel in the city centre (cathedral, Place Saint Etienne), the Krutenau or on the Malraux peninsula. These areas are close to the conference and will allow you to reach the university in less than 15 minutes on foot. For more distant areas, the use of public transport is recommended.

  • Okko hotelOkko: on the Malraux peninsula, close to the conference and in a new area with bars and restaurants on site. Close to the city centre.
  • Hotel Roses: in the Krutenau district, a student area close to the centre and the university. Lively area in the evenings with bars and restaurants.
  • Hotel Strasbourg Le Kléber: on the Place Kléber in the heart of the city centre. Further away from the city centre.
  • Le Couvent du Franciscain: in the city centre, 10mn walk from the train station and the cathedral.
  • Hotel Suisse: at the foot of the cathedral.
  • The people: in the Krutenau district. Simple but good value for money.

Restaurants et bars

Strasbourg is a student city and a regional and European capital. The city has many bars and restaurants. We present here a small selection of possibilities and well-known restaurants.

Restaurants near the campus (suited for the lunch breaks):

There are many possibilities to eat around the esplanade campus and this within a 10 minute walk. From Rue de Rome (behind the Patio building) to Place de l’esplanade (eastbound), you will find a variety of restaurants, fast food chains and sandwich shops.

On the north side, on the Boulevard de la Victoire in the centre, you will again find sandwich shops, restaurants and fast food outlets. On the east side, past the observatory along Boulevard Leblois, there are also restaurants and fast food outlets.

On the west side, in the Krutenau district, you will find sandwich shops and restaurants especially at Place Saint Nicolas aux ondes, Place du Foin and along Rue des balayeurs.

If you want to go a little further, still in the Krutenau, several brasseries, kebab shops and bakeries can be found in Rue de Zurich.

University and community restaurants:

There are 3 university restaurants on the esplanade. Two are located on boulevard de la Victoire, north of the Patio building, the RU Esplanade next to the Studium building, the RU Gallia at the level of the quai de l’Ill and the Gallia tram stop. The third RU, the Paul Appel, is located to the south of the venue on rue de Palerme.

An Agricas administrative restaurant is located in the Gaujot administrative complex on rue du maréchal Juin.

Strasbourg is a student city and a regional and European capital. The city has many bars and restaurants. We present here a small selection of possibilities and well-known restaurants.

Restaurants near the campus (lunch break):

There are many possibilities to eat around the esplanade campus and this within a 10 minute walk. From Rue de Rome (behind the Patio building) to Place de l’esplanade (eastbound), you will find a variety of restaurants, fast food chains and sandwich shops.

On the north side, on the Boulevard de la Victoire in the centre, you will again find sandwich shops, restaurants and fast food outlets. On the east side, past the observatory along Boulevard Leblois, there are also restaurants and fast food outlets.

On the west side, in the Krutenau district, you will find sandwich shops and restaurants especially at Place Saint Nicolas aux ondes, Place du Foin and along Rue des balayeurs.

If you want to go a little further, still in the Krutenau, several brasseries, kebab shops and bakeries can be found in Rue de Zurich.

University and community restaurants:

There are 3 university restaurants on the esplanade. Two are located on boulevard de la Victoire, north of the Patio building, the RU Esplanade next to the Studium building, the RU Gallia at the level of the quays of the Ill and the Gallia tram stop. The third RU, the Paul Appel, is located to the south on rue de Palerme.

An Agricas administrative restaurant is located in the Gaujot administrative complex on rue du maréchal Juin

Map of the surroundings of the Esplanade.

You will find restaurants, bakeries and the like in the red areas. The blue dots indicate the location of the various places used during the day. The stars indicate the location of the university restaurants close to the Patio as well as the administrative restaurant.


Restaurant suggestions (evenings, booking advisable):

Alsaciens/winstub: (traditional)

French Brasseries:

Frech cuisine:


World cuisine:

Where to go for a drink?

There are “several” places in Strasbourg to go for a drink (or two or …). The best areas for bars are the Krutenau (student district) and the Grande Ile. The place Saint Etienne, the place du marché Gaillot (to find, it’s somewhat hidden), the place des orphelins… Strasbourg is full of little bars where you can have a drink, sometimes just next door. But the centre is not devoid of them! It’s up to you to find your place for a rest. Here are some suggestions:

  • La Belle : le bar préféré des astrophysiciens de l’observatoire. Peut-être en verrez-vous au comptoir les soirs de la conférence.
  • Le télégraphe : bar et restaurant dans la Krutenau
  • Café atlantico : une péniche pour boire une bière au soleil
  • Delirium café
  • La lanterne : micro-brasserie/bar à côté de la place Gutenberg
  • L’idéal
  • Bar barberousse
  • Le Gayot
  • The dubliner
  • Exil
  • Le Berthom : le rendez-vous des associations étudiantes
  • Caupona taverne : possible aussi de manger
  • Le grincheux
  • Le Wawa (proche de l’observatoire)



Strasbourg is a popular tourist destination and is famous for its Christmas market, one of the oldest. Nevertheless, even in summer, Strasbourg is not lacking in charm and the Alsace region is full of tourist sites to see and visit between the plains and the mountains.

Strasbourg is also a human-sized city where you can easily get around on foot or by bike, even if the public transport offer is very extensive. Don’t hesitate to take a walk in the old centre or along the quays to relax. More information on the website of the Strasbourg tourist office.

In Strasbourg

  • The cathedral and the Grande Ile, World heritage site
  • The Petite France quarter: typical Alsacian houses on the Grande Ile
  • European Quarter and  the Orangerie public garden: a bit outside of the city center, along the Ill river.
  • The banks of the Ill: on foot or by boat, another view of Strasbourg
  • The Neustadt quarter, World heritage site
  • Strasbourg museums


Outside of Strasbourg



Do you have a question? Contact the  LOC at